Sunday, April 20, 2008

A new flower bed

After Jyalu's swimming class, we got home and play around in the backyard for a while. Then head to Mcdonald's to meet Faye and her babies. Around 2ish, went home and started working on the new flower bed.

Daddy is a super helper today. He did all the tilter work. Soil has been lossen. Tomorrow plan to add compost in, mix, then plan all those Dahlia ( 大丽花 )bulbs in!

And while daddy is working on the soil, mommy worked on other flower bed edging and widen the bed about 2 inches at the same time!

Also ordered 2 yards of 100% organizc compost, costed $102 including delivery, and had been delivered to my driveway on the same day. That nursery guy said we can order 50/50 ( 50 compost: 50 loam) next year. Given we had 2 years of 100% compost put into the soil. Will see.

yes, a new flower bed in this corner. Plan for a Dahlia corner!

Little tool, BIG helper!
Soil had been lossen:
See, widen about 2 inches at the same time:
Asian pear is about to bloom:
Lily is coming up:
Hosta too:

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